Typography is how graphic characters is composed and arranged on a surface to obtain legibility and readability. Open Bridge design system make use of typography to present content as clearly and efficiently as possible.
OpenBridge design system uses the font Open Sans. It is available as open source from Google fonts. We also allow Noto Sans and Noto Sans JP in cases where there is a need for additional languages not supported by Open Sans.

Text styles
OpenBridge Design System have multiple text styles to be used for different text in an application. They are categorised and named related to usage. The text styles are divided into two main groups: UI text styles and Instrument text styles.
The text styles varies between palettes to compensate for the shift between light and dark background, and to prevent large surfaces of light in the night palette.
UI text
The UI text styles are used for normal text content, static text and components.
Instrument text
Instrument text styles are used for instrument numbers and dynamic data. All instrument numbers should be in a tabulator format.
Instrument label and Instrument description use "ui-element-active" color.