
Components are elements that are used to make up a user interface. OpenBridge offer a comprehensive set of components that are meant the streamline user interface design.

Components categories

We have divided components into four main categories: UI components, Navigation components, Alert components and Maritime components.

Components categories

We have divided components into four main categories: UI components, Navigation components, Alert components and Maritime components.

UI components

UI components are simple components such as buttons, checkboxes, toggles and list items.

Application components

Application components are nested components that are made up of smaller components. They are used to navigate through the system, and interact with global functions, like the topbar, dimming center and navigation menu.

Chart and graph components

Charts and graphs are graphical elements like bars, trends and diagrams used to visualise data.

Navigation components

Navigation components are also nested components. This is instruments and graphical elements like thruster representation, compass and boat representation.

Automation components

Automation components are instruments and graphical elements like valves and tanks used to for automation interfaces.